- 支持定时自动关闭弹窗
- 按钮自定义
- 支持最大化最小化
1 var dialog = kendo.ui.Window.extend({ 2 // set options 3 options: { 4 name : 'GDialog', // widget name 5 onOk : $.noop, 6 okText : '确定', 7 cancelText : '取消', 8 defaultButtons : 'OK_CANCEL', //'OK' || 'OK_CANCEL' || 'CANCEL' || 'NULL' 9 extraButtons : [], //[ { text:'ok', className: '', click:function(){} }] 10 appendTo : 'body', 11 minWidth : 400, 12 minHeight : 100, 13 resizable : false, 14 actions : ['Close'], // ['Minimize', 'Maximize', 'Close'] 15 autohide : false, 16 time : 1000 17 }, 18 // Init method 19 init: function(element, options){ 20 var me = this; 21 // Call super.init 22 kendo.ui.Window.fn.init.call(this, element, options); 23 24 // Add buttons 25 var $buttonsArea = this._addButtons(element, options); 26 27 // Set styles 28 this.wrapper.addClass('k-dialog'); 29 $buttonsArea.addClass('k-button-area'); 30 31 // Set the dialog's position by default 32 if (!options || !options.position){ this.center(); } 33 34 // if the autohide is setted true that aftering a time auto hide the dialog. default is 1s. 35 if(this.options.autohide) { 36 setTimeout(function() { 37 kendo.ui.Window.fn.close.call(me); 38 },this.options.time); 39 } 40 }, 41 open: function(){ 42 // Call super.open 43 kendo.ui.Window.fn.open.call(this); 44 }, 45 minimize: function(){ 46 // Call super.minimize 47 kendo.ui.Window.fn.minimize.call(this); 48 49 $(this.buttonsArea).hide(); 50 this.wrapper.css('padding-bottom', '0'); 51 }, 52 restore: function(){ 53 // Call super.restore 54 kendo.ui.Window.fn.restore.call(this); 55 56 $(this.buttonsArea).show(); 57 this.wrapper.css('padding-bottom', '51px'); 58 }, 59 center: function(){ 60 61 if (this.options.isMaximized){ return this; } 62 63 // Call super.center 64 kendo.ui.Window.fn.center.call(this); 65 66 var that = this, 67 position = that.options.position, 68 wrapper = that.wrapper, 69 documentWindow = $(window), 70 scrollTop = 0, 71 newTop; 72 73 if (!that.options.pinned){ scrollTop = documentWindow.scrollTop(); } 74 75 newTop = scrollTop + Math.max(0, 76 (documentWindow.height() - wrapper.height() - 50 - parseInt(wrapper.css("paddingTop"), 10)) / 2); 77 78 wrapper.css({ top: newTop }); 79 80 position.top = newTop; 81 82 return that; 83 }, 84 _onDocumentResize: function(){ 85 if (!this.options.isMaximized){ return; } 86 87 // Call super._onDocumentResize 88 kendo.ui.Window.fn._onDocumentResize.call(this); 89 90 this._fixWrapperHeight(); 91 }, 92 _fixWrapperHeight: function(){ 93 var height = (this.wrapper.height() - 51).toString() + 'px'; 94 this.wrapper.css('height', height); 95 }, 96 // Add buttons to the dialog 97 _addButtons: function(element, options){ 98 99 var that = this,100 buttons = this.options.extraButtons.slice(0);101 102 var nullPattern = /NULL/gi, okPattern = /OK/gi, cancelPattern = /CANCEL/gi,103 defaultButtons = {104 buttonOk : {text: that.options.okText, className:'ok-btn' , click:function(e){105 that.options.onOk.call(that, e);106 return false;107 }},108 buttonCancel : {text: that.options.cancelText, className:'close-btn', click:function(e){109 e.preventDefault(); that.close();110 }}111 };112 113 // Append default buttons114 if (!nullPattern.test(this.options.defaultButtons)){115 okPattern.test(this.options.defaultButtons) &&116 buttons.unshift(defaultButtons.buttonOk);117 cancelPattern.test(this.options.defaultButtons) &&118 buttons.unshift(defaultButtons.buttonCancel);119 }120 121 // Make button area122 var buttonsArea = document.createElement('div'),123 $buttonsArea = $(buttonsArea);124 this.buttonsArea = buttonsArea;125 126 // Make buttons and set buttons' attributes127 for (var i = buttons.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){128 var $aEl = $(document.createElement('a'));129 /*eslint no-script-url: 0*/130 $aEl.html(buttons[i].text)131 .addClass('k-dialog-button')132 .addClass(buttons[i].className)133 .attr({href:'javascript:;'})134 .on('click', buttons[i].click)135 .kendoButton();136 $buttonsArea.append($aEl);137 }138 139 this.wrapper.append($buttonsArea);140 141 return $buttonsArea;142 }143 });144 145 kendo.ui.plugin(dialog);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20
含义 | 类型 | default | 例子 | |
content | 弹出内容 | string,function | 宿主元素的内容 | $("#dialog").kendoGDialog({ content: { url: "/userDetails", dataType: "json", template: "User name: #= data.username #" } }); |
iframe | 是否已iframe方式显示弹窗 | bool | FALSE | |
onOk | 点击确定执行的事件 | function | var dialog = $('#dialog').kendoGDialog({ onOk: function() { dialog.close(); } }).data('kendoGDialog'); | |
okText | 确定按钮文本 | string | '确定' | |
cancelText | 取消按钮文本 | string | '取消' | |
defaultButtons | 默认显示按钮 | string('OK' || 'OK_CANCEL' || 'CANCEL' || 'NULL') | 'OK_CANCEL' | |
extraButtons | 自定义的按钮 | array | 空 | var dialog = $('#dialog').kendoGDialog({ extraButtons: [{ text:'按钮', className: '', click:function(){
} }] }).data('kendoGDialog'); |
appendTo | 将弹窗插入到 | string | 'body' | |
height | 弹窗高度 | number | ||
width | 弹窗宽度 | number | ||
minWidth | 弹窗最小宽度 | number | 500 | |
maxWidth | 弹窗最大宽度 | number | ||
minHeight | 弹窗最小高度 | number | 200 | |
maxHeight | 弹窗最大高度 | number | ||
visible | 弹窗是否可见 | bool | TRUE | |
position | 弹窗位置 | Object | $("#dialog").kendoGDialog({ position: { top: 100, left: 200 } }) | |
resizable | 重置弹窗大小 | bool | TRUE | |
actions | 弹窗工具组件 | array( "Close", "Refresh", "Minimize", and "Maximize" ) | ['Close'] | |
title | 弹窗标题 | string | "" | |
autohide | 自动关闭 | bool | FALSE | |
time | 自动关闭时间 | number | 1000(ms) | |
draggable | 是否可以拖动 | bool | TRUE | |
resize | 当改变弹窗大小时触发事件 | function | ||
refresh | 当内容加载完成或者点击刷新按钮内容加载完成时触发事件 | function | ||
open | 打开弹窗触发事件 | function | ||
error | 当异步加载内容出错时触发事件 | function | ||
dragstart | 开始移动弹窗时触发事件 | function | ||
dragend | 结束移动弹窗时触发事件 | function | ||
deactivate | 当弹窗关闭结束之后执行事件 | function | ||
close | 关闭弹窗时执行事件 | function | ||
activate | 当弹窗打开之后执行的事件 | function |
方法 | 含义 | 例子dialog = $('#dialog').data('kendoGDialog') |
open | 打开弹窗 | dialog.open(); |
center | 设置弹窗居中 | dialog.center(); |
close | 关闭弹窗 | dialog.close(); |
destroy | 销毁弹窗 | dialog.destroy(); |
refresh | 刷新弹窗内容 | dialog.refresh(); |
setOptions | 设置弹窗参数 | dialog.setOptions({ title: '标题' }); |
content | 设置弹窗内容 | dialog.content('弹窗内容'); |
maximize | 最大化 | dialog.maximize(); |
minimize | 最小化 | dialog.minimize(); |
title | 弹窗标题 | dialog.title(); |